Giving up bad habits is possible only with strong will. It is a well-known fact that willpower is directly proportional to success. In other words, a strong will means fewer bad habits and more success.
- Using a smart phone or tablet in bed
Blue light, which has a very short wavelength and a high power, has an important role in your sleep quality. In the evening, the sun’s rays lose their blue light and your body begins to secrete melatonin hormone again. This makes you sleepy. In the evening, your brain becomes more sensitive to blue light because it doesn’t expect to be exposed to more blue light.
In the evening, computers, smart phones and tablets send blue light directly to our faces. This harms the secretion of melatonin, and therefore prevents you from falling asleep comfortably and having a high quality sleep. Therefore, before going to bed, you should not spend too much time with electronic devices.
- Browsing the Internet
It takes about 15 minutes for you to start any task fully focused and mentally prepare yourself for it. If you have passed the focusing stage and concentrated very well when starting something, you can waste 15 minutes of your time by doing different things on the internet and wandering around, so to speak.
When you are focused on a task, stay away from anything that will distract you. Particularly keep away from the Internet.
3. There are too many notifications on the phone
Notifications to the phone, message tones are the biggest enemies of productivity and focusing. Every notification sound from your phone will distract you and greatly reduce your productivity. Instead of constantly being distracted by the notification sounds during your study time, silencing all notifications and checking them at certain times during the day will increase your productivity to a great extent.
4. Saying “yes” to people instead of saying “no”
According to research, people who have difficulty in saying no to others when it is necessary, have a higher risk of severe stress and depression. Being able to say no is one of the biggest indicators of a strong will and protects you from the unnecessary workload and difficult psychological problems.
At a point where “No” should be said, people with high emotional intelligence generally hesitate to say no. However, a strong will usually starts with saying “no” first. In this way, you won’t make promises that you can’t keep.
- Gossiping
People who love gossiping think that they make themselves happy for a short time by feeding on the difficulties and negativities that other people experience. It is human nature that most people consider it a good thing if someone gets in a worse situation than you. But after a point, it becomes tiring for you and distressing for the other people. Gossiping is a very bad habit. For a more productive and happier life, your focus should be on yourself, not on others.
- Not taking action until you are sure that you will be successful
When it’s time to start a business, we usually tend to discourage ourselves from that idea because we think our ideas are not perfect, and we are not ready for it, and what we are doing is actually not very good.
How can we expect to create something great before we get down to the business and allow our ideas to mature? Getting started to do something is half of finishing it. If you don’t start it, you won’t be able to finish it anyway.
- Waiting for the approval of others on the path to success
What people say will never lead you to move in a positive direction, but it will prevent you from getting started. What matters is what you want, not what the other people think. If you want to achieve success, you have to act according to what you want or what is in your heart.