The objective of the Program:
The goal is to explain the use of children’s paintings in order to know the children in psycho-pedagogical terms and to guide the diagnosis and treatment in the studies conducted with children. To express what the important signs in the children’s paintings mean for experts and explain the points to be considered in the interpretation of the paintings.
The content of the program:
Paintings are the expression of the inner world of children and the reflection of their mental structure. If the pictures are analyzed, they give detailed information about the child who has draws them. While a child tells about his love for his mother with the picture he draws, he often says that he expects his father to hug him too. Quite often, the pictures of children who are subjected to violence or scolded but cannot tell anyone about it contain many messages. Therefore, with painting analysis training, we can get information about the spiritual world of children through their pictures and see whether they have any mental problem.
Program Duration: 16 hours