The Enneagram is one of the personality analysis types developed to understand the human nature. The Enneagram has become increasingly popular due to the synthesis of many different approaches from the ancient times to the present world of the 21st century. Its foundation dates back to 2500 B.C., and it has been transferred from generation to generation for centuries, and one of its ends goes as far as the Anatolian Sufism. The aim of the training is to examine the nine personality types in the Enneagram and to bring a different perspective to our coaching and communication world by strengthening both our daily communication style and our coaching side.
- The definition of Enneagram
- The purpose of the enneagram
- The history of the Enneagram
- The features of the Enneagram
- Enneagram personality types
- The place of the Enneagram in coaching
- The contribution of Enneagram to communication skill
- Advice according to Enneagram temperament types
- The art of enneagram people
- Enneagram problem solving styles
- Communication styles of Enneagram types
Duration of Training: 12 hours
Weekend: 8 hours (in-class face-to-face training)
Weekdays: 4 hours (live on Zoom)