The Objective of the Program: Ballet training improves our children’s body coordination, helps them to move synchronously and socialize easily by becoming part of a group at a young age. Ballet classes provide the children with the opportunity to socialize and establish bonds in an organized environment. Ballet which is one of the most effective dance genres for physical health positively affects the spinal health and muscle development with correct posture exercises.
Since the training is carried out along with classical music, children recognize and understand sounds and rhythms better. Children who receive ballet training have a more developed ear for music. Thus, in addition to being successful dancers, they can also develop themselves in different fields of art.
The Content of the Program: We aim to develop children’s improvisation skills by teaching posture, bodily awareness, body and step exercises accompanied by music, flexibility and basic movements with dramatizations, ability to act collectively through group work and gradually accustoming them to dance with a sense of music and rhythm.
Duration of the Program: The training is conducted in monthly periods. It continues throughout the year without a break.
Implementation of the Program: The training is done face to face.
Age Range for the Program: Trainings are for children between the ages of 4-7.
Course Schedule: It is held for 1 hour on the weekend at our Sports Center on Bağlıca Campus.
Level of the Program: Beginner Level